Getting Started =============== Now that you have Eve W-Space installed and running, there are a few additional steps you should take to getting it fully up and running. These tasks will also introduce you to administering Eve W-Space from the server console. This guide assumes you have installed Eve W-Space in a virtual Python environment. Starting the Django Shell ------------------------- The rest of this guide, and much of the overall administrative work of using Eve W-Space in its current state, is done from the Django shell, a Python interpreter with the Django enviornment pre-loaded. Load the Virtual Environment ............................ If you installed Eve W-Space into a virtual Python environment, you need to have that environment active. :command:`$ source /home/maptool/eve-wspace/bin/activate` Result: :command:`(eve-wspace) $` Start the Shell ............... Now that the virtual enviornment is active, you can start the Django shell using the ** program. :command:`(eve-wspace) $ /home/maptool/eve-wspace/evewspace/ shell` That should initialize the Django shell leaving you with:: Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:16:07) [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. (InteractiveConsole) >>> For the rest of this guide, *>>>* will indicate something to be typed in the Python interpreter. Change the Admin Registration Code ---------------------------------- The first thing you should do after installing Eve W-Space is changing the registration code for the *Admins* group. By default, this is set to *evewspace*. To do this from the Django shell::: >>>from django.contrib.auth.models import Group >>>adm_group = Group.objects.get(name="Admins") >>>adm_prof = adm_group.profile.get() >>>adm_prof.regcode = 'my_super_sekrit_regcode' >>> Now the registration code for the *Admins* group is whatever you put in place of *my_super_sekrit_regcode*. An account created with this registration code will have all permissions. Create a Group for Normal Users ------------------------------- You probably don't want all users to have all permissions in any production install, so you should create another group for normal users. From the Django shell (Note: You can skip the first line if you are using the same shell as the last section.):: >>>from django.contrib.auth.models import Group >>>group = Group(name="Awesome Users") >>> >>>grp_prof = group.profile.get() >>>grp_prof.regcode = 'probably_less_sekrit_regcode' >>> Now any user registering with the registration code *probably_less_sekrit_regcode* will be in the *Awesome Users* group. You can give this group basic map permissions from the Map Admin panel under the "Global Permissions" section. Set the Domain Name (for IGB Trust) ----------------------------------- Several map features rely on Eve W-Space being run in a trusted IGB session (although the IGB isn't required for core functions). For Eve W-Space to automatically request IGB trust, you need to tell it what domain it will be run as (that domain will be requested as the trusted URL). To set this from the Django shell (make sure to use http:// or https:// or the IGB will complain):: >>>from django.contrib.sites.models import Site >>>Site.objects.update(domain="") 1L You should replace ** with whatever domain users will use to access your instance.