Source code for POS.views

#    Eve W-Space
#    Copyright (C) 2013  Andrew Austin and other contributors
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version. An additional term under section
#    7 of the GPL is included in the LICENSE file.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from POS.models import *
from Map.models import System
from core.models import Type
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
import pytz
import eveapi
import re
from API import cache_handler as handler
from core import tasks as core_tasks

[docs]def test_fit(request, posID): """ Temporary test method for filling a POS fit from DScan. """ pos = get_object_or_404(POS, pk=posID) if request.method == "POST": data = request.POST['fit'].encode('utf-8') pos.fit_from_dscan(data) return HttpResponse() else: return TemplateResponse(request, 'testfitter.html', {'pos': pos})
@permission_required('POS.delete_pos', raise_exception=True)
[docs]def remove_pos(request, sysID, posID): """ Removes the POS. Raises PermissionDenied if it is a CorpPOS. """ if not request.is_ajax(): raise PermissionDenied pos = get_object_or_404(POS, pk=posID) if CorpPOS.objects.filter(pk=posID).count(): raise PermissionDenied pos.delete() return HttpResponse()
@login_required def get_pos_list(request, sysID): if not request.is_ajax(): raise PermissionDenied system = get_object_or_404(System, pk=sysID) poses = POS.objects.filter(system=system).all() return TemplateResponse(request, 'poslist.html', {'system': system, 'poses': poses}) @permission_required('POS.change_pos', raise_exception=True)
[docs]def edit_pos(request, sysID, posID): """ GET gets the edit POS dialog, POST processes it. """ if not request.is_ajax(): raise PermissionDenied system = get_object_or_404(System, pk=sysID) pos = get_object_or_404(POS, pk=posID) if request.method == 'POST': tower = get_object_or_404(Type, name=request.POST['tower']) try: corp = Corporation.objects.get(name=request.POST['corp']) except: # Corp isn't in our DB, get its ID and add it try: api = eveapi.EVEAPIConnection(cacheHandler=handler) corpID = api.eve.CharacterID(names=request.POST['corp']).characters[0].characterID corp = core_tasks.update_corporation(corpID) except: # The corp doesn't exist return HttpResponse('Corp does not exist!', status=404) pos.corporation = corp pos.towertype = tower pos.posname = request.POST['name'] pos.planet = int(request.POST['planet']) pos.moon = int(request.POST['moon']) pos.status = int(request.POST['status']) pos.fitting = request.POST['fitting'] # Have the async worker update the corp just so that it is up to date core_tasks.update_corporation.delay( if pos.status == 3: if request.POST['rfdays'] == '': rf_days = 0 else: rf_days = int(request.POST['rfdays']) if request.POST['rfhours'] == '': rf_hours = 0 else: rf_hours = int(request.POST['rfhours']) if request.POST['rfminutes'] == '': rf_minutes = 0 else: rf_minutes = int(request.POST['rfminutes']) delta = timedelta(days=rf_days, hours=rf_hours, minutes=rf_minutes) pos.rftime = + delta if request.POST.get('dscan', None) == "1": pos.fit_from_dscan(request.POST['fitting'].encode('utf-8')) return HttpResponse() else: fitting = pos.fitting.replace("<br />", "\n") return TemplateResponse(request, 'edit_pos.html', {'system': system, 'pos': pos, 'fitting': fitting})
[docs]def add_pos(request, sysID): """ GET gets the add POS dialog, POST processes it. """ if not request.is_ajax(): raise PermissionDenied system = get_object_or_404(System, pk=sysID) if request.method == 'POST': try: corp_name = request.POST.get('corp', None) if not corp_name: return HttpResponse('Corp cannot be blank!', status=400) corp = Corporation.objects.get(name=corp_name) except Corporation.DoesNotExist: # Corp isn't in our DB, get its ID and add it api = eveapi.EVEAPIConnection(cacheHandler=handler) corpID = api.eve.CharacterID( names=corp_name).characters[0].characterID try: corp = core_tasks.update_corporation(corpID, True) except AttributeError: # The corp doesn't exist return HttpResponse('Corp does not exist!', status=404) else: # Have the async worker update the corp just so that it is up to date core_tasks.update_corporation.delay( if request.POST['auto'] == '1': fittings = [] moon_distance = 150000000 for i in request.POST['fitting'].splitlines(): cols = i.split('\t') #ignore offgrid stuff if cols[2] != '-': fittings.append(cols) if cols[1] == 'Moon' and cols[2].endswith('km'): #found a moon close by distance = int(cols[2][:-3].replace(',','').replace('.','').replace(u'\xa0','')) if distance < moon_distance: #closest moon so far moon_distance = distance moon_name = cols[0] if moon_distance == 150000000: #No moon found return HttpResponse('No moon found in d-scan!', status=404) #parse POS location regex = '^%s ([IVX]+) - Moon ([0-9]+)$' % ( re_result = re.match(regex, moon_name) if not re_result: return HttpResponse( 'Invalid D-Scan! Do you have the right system?', status=400) else: result = re_result.groups() NUMERALS = {'X': 10, 'V': 5, 'I': 1} planet = 0 for i in range(len(result[0])): value = NUMERALS[result[0][i]] try: next_value = NUMERALS[result[0][i+1]] except IndexError: next_value = 0 if value < next_value: planet -= value else: planet += value moon = int(result[1]) pos=POS(system=system, planet=planet, moon=moon, status=int(request.POST['status']), corporation=corp) try: pos.fit_from_iterable(fittings) except AttributeError as e: return HttpResponse(e, status=404) else: tower = get_object_or_404(Type, name=request.POST['tower']) pos=POS(system=system, planet=int(request.POST['planet']), moon=int(request.POST['moon']), towertype=tower, posname=request.POST['name'], fitting=request.POST['fitting'], status=int(request.POST['status']), corporation=corp) if request.POST.get('dscan', None) == "1": pos.fit_from_dscan(request.POST['fitting'].encode('utf-8')) if pos.status == 3: if request.POST['rfdays'] == '': rf_days = 0 else: rf_days = int(request.POST['rfdays']) if request.POST['rfhours'] == '': rf_hours = 0 else: rf_hours = int(request.POST['rfhours']) if request.POST['rfminutes'] == '': rf_minutes = 0 else: rf_minutes = int(request.POST['rfminutes']) delta = timedelta(days=rf_days, hours=rf_hours, minutes=rf_minutes) pos.rftime = + delta return HttpResponse() else: return TemplateResponse(request, 'add_pos.html', {'system': system})